Sexual orientation: Female
Relationship status: Single
Birthday: Aug 6, 1994
Intrigued by: Guys and Girls
Origin: Czech Republic
Old neighborhood: Prague
Age: 25
City and Country: Heaven, EU
Estimations: 35-25-36
Interests and hobbie: Sport, Video games, Photography
Tallness: 5′ 6″ (167cm)
Turn Ons: When you watching me, screwing love it!
Weight: 111lbs. (50kg)
Mood killers: Crudeness
Ethnicity: White
Hair Color: Brunette
Counterfeit Boobs: No
Tattoos: No
Piercings: Yes
Video Views: 131,099,149
Profile Views: 15,242,850
Recordings Watched: 1,229
Joined: 1 year back
In the enchanted realm of Eldoria, there existed a mysterious creature known as the Mini Diva. Standing at just three feet tall, she possessed a captivating allure that drew beings from far and wide to witness her beauty.
With skin as smooth as silk and eyes that sparkled like the stars themselves, the Mini Diva moved with a grace that mesmerized all who beheld her. Her petite frame held a power that defied her size, a power that ignited desire in the hearts of those who dared to approach her.
Legends whispered of the Mini Diva’s seductive charm, her ability to entice even the most stoic of beings with a single glance. It was said that her touch could ignite flames of passion that burned hotter than